In my previous post (Ode to the Classic granny square), I admitted that I had fallen in love with Classic granny square, and here is the evidence. Once I started making those beautiful granny squares, I couldn’t stop… so, I made this tote bag, and I’m very pleased with how happy and colorful it looks!

For this crochet tote bag, I used 100% cotton yarn “Cotton Classic” 120m/50g from St. George (manufacturer from Serbia) and 4 mm crochet hook. The yarn is very soft and easy to work with. I like it, and will probably use it in my future crochet projects – adventures. I like to call them adventures because they always are. I never know where they will bring me, and how many twists and turns we will experience. The process goes always like this: I’ve got an idea, very clear in my head, start to work on it, but then, something happens and like with a teenager, however strong your will is, he always win (at list in my case), so the idea took the lead and you just have to listen. But in the end, I’m always surprised how much better than expected it turned out. Yes, you just have to listen. Listen to the ideas, to the creativity, to the Universe! Yes, I know, this sounds a little “woo-woo”, but I actually love those things. Like spirituality, the “Power of now”, the Law of attraction, and of course Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big magic”. If you’ve now decided to stop reading this post, please don’t, I’m back to crochet…

As you can see, I made 18 granny squares in total (9 for each side) and joined them together with single crochet. With Classic granny square, you have so many options. You can join them as you go, you can join them with slip stitch, or sew them together. I decided on joining them together with single crochet because I love that convex edge between the squares, I always like to add some texture in my crochet.

I love simple crochet projects and this bag certainly is very simple and easy to make. It would be even easier to make without lining. To be honest, the bag would look very neat even without it, but a yellow-white plaid linen is always welcome. At list in my opinion.

As you’ve probably noticed already I love, love, love to play with colors, so I decided to make the sides of the bag in different colors. One in happy, radiant, hot, warm colors (where pink is the queen), and one in cooler, more peaceful colors (where blue is the king). So, depending on your mood, you can decide which side you want to show to the world. Also, people may think: “How many beautiful crochet bags does this lucky lady have?”

Because I wanted this bag to look glamorously I made the straps out of the smallest granny squares (only 2 rows), joined them together using Join-as-you-go method, and then on each side added a row of single crochet. To make it even more interesting I made a picot stitch between squares and in the center of each square.

So, if you like crochet bags, click here to see my previous crochet bags and pouches. Maybe you get an idea, which may lead you into some exciting and unpredictable adventure…
And please let me know in the comments if you have also experienced the strong will of your own ideas.