It’s finished! Finally! It took me 14 days to make this baby blanket. A lot of time. Of course I didn’t crochet all day long, but still… My plan was to make 8 squares a day, and I stuck to the plan, but It took me more time then I expected to join them and make a border.
A border… It’s a long story… I spent hours on Pinterest, in search of perfect border, and found some really pretty edges, but it seemed that no one wasn’t suitable for this blanket. Then I decided to make the same border I made on my Primavera flowers pillow, but I wasn’t happy with how it looked on the blanket. Something wasn’t quite right. Then, I made a little change, added two rows before those bobbles, looked at it, and knew it was the perfect edge for my blanket. Then, it took me ages to finish the border…
I used 100% cotton yarn 125m / 50 gr from St. George. This time I used yarn called “Golf” (except for yellow and pink – they’re “Tango”, also from St. George) “Golf” is a little softer and silkier then “Tango”, and I love that.
The blanket is composed of 80 squares just like my Teddy bear baby blanket (8 x 10) and it measures 86 x 70 cm. I joined squares with single crochet.
I’m willing to make free tutorial for this Primavera flowers square, so if you’d like me to do that, please let me know in the comments.
The Primavera flowers square tutorial is now availabe, click here to check it out.
This is so lovely – I would love to make a blanket like this! Are you still willing to post the pattern for the Primavera flowers square? I've made many flowers before but I'm not sure how you achieve the raised texture of the inner flower rows. You do beautiful work
Would love the instructions please it looks beautiful.
Hi Denise,
You can find the pattern here:
Wow I love it.
Bellissima !Il bordo ti è venuto davvero bene , una coperta primaverile che mi sembra abbastanza grande per lettino !Sarebbe bello avere il pattern.
It such a beautiful blanket, would love to see a tutorial.
Clare x
Yes please – it's gorgeous. Would love a tutorial – so generous of you to offer. ♥
Love your colours, would love a tutorial for this and the pillow they are the best squares Ive seen yet. x Mag
What a beautiful blanket. Please do the tutorial, i would love to make one .
Wow, congratulations, the blanket is gorgeous!
The edging is first class, the blanket gorgeous! This pattern deserves a tutorial, thank you in advance! xxx
Wow!!!! beautiful!!!!
beautiful gorgeous! love the colors and the edging! i do hope you do a tutorial
thank you
Beyond beautiful – this is stunning Please, please do a tutorial
thank you, a tutorial would be super
from Holland, Daniëlle
You certainly did chose the write edging, it is quite difficult to chose a complimentary border after all that hard work on the blanket. Yours is stunning x
Fabulous! Would love to see the tutorial
Joaśka from Poland
Absolutely beautiful! I especially love the way the squares all in one colour are almost like shadows of the ones with coloured flowers – each sets the other off beautifully. Yes, please to the tutorial! I've just finished a bag based on your one – in different colours but similar construction. I've linked back to you in my post on it – thank you so much for the inspiration. E x
hi, your blanket is so very lovely!! … and yes, it would be great to get a free tutorial of this flower square. thanks a lot from germany, your blog and your work is so wonderful!!
Your blanket is georgerous!! I love, love the colours, the pattern and – of course- the edge!!
14 days is incredible fast for a blanket of that size! It takes me often a year to finish a blanket
Lovely blanket in beautiful spring colours. I like your work and hope you make a pattern of it. When I'll make the blanket myself it will cost me only a lot more time than you used. That doesn't matter for the result will be beautiful.
Love, Margaret
Magnifique !! Comme d'habitude. Je viens régulièrement vous rendre visite parce que j'adore ce que vous faites. Avec un tutorial, je serai peut-être capable de faire moi aussi une jolie couverture comme celle-ci. Merci et encore bravo. Babayaya
It's lovely. Please make a tutorial – thanks!
Oh Dear, This is love at first sight! It's BEAUTIFUL!!!! and I L-O-V-E the edge!! Please share!
The blanket turned out beautifully! Great job! I would love you to share the square tutorial.
Thanks Thomasina!
I left you a comment on your blog, I LOVE your Spring Flower Bag! It's absolutely beautiful!
xxx Dragana
Beautiful blanket…I would love if you could share the tutorial!
Would love a tutorial – this blanket is beautiful!
Will also want to make a blanket like this
Please post me the tutorial of the primavera flower square:) so beautiful
Of course we want a tutorial, the blanket is so beautiful.
YES, Please would love to have the tutorial !! THANKS , your work is so BEAUTIFUL !!!
This blanket, like you other work, is beautiful. I would love to have the tutorial please. Thank you!
oooooooooooo, yes please….a tut would be fab….this is delightful x
Absolutely gorgeous, would love the list of yarns, patterns and tutorials on this beautiful blanket!! Fabulous!
I love your work and this blanket is stunning. I'd love to know where to buy St Georg cotton yarns though as I'm in Austalia. I've done a Google search without success.
Thank you!
I don't know if St. George sells abroad, but this is the website, so you can contact them:
Thank you! Very, very much!
I've already started making the tutorial, hope I'll finish it soon.
xxx Dragana
OOOH – yes please!!!
Absolutely beautiful. This is what I was looking for as my next project. Yes, please, a tutorial for the blanket and the border. I will hold off starting it until your tutorial. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I would LOVE a tutorial on this. It's so sweet. You did a fantastic job! xoxo
I would love the tutorial on this beautiful blanket as well. Thank you!
Es una manta muy bonita. Espero el tutorial y muchas gracias por compartir.
Everything on your blog looks absolutely amazing, including this blanket! Your pillows are gorgeous! Wouldn't mind having some of them on my sofa!
Beautiful, soft and delicate.
What a beautiful blog, glad I found it!:)
Lovely blanket, love the colours you have used!
Adorable!!! The colours combination are absolutely gorgeous! Pinned!
Have a fabulous weekend!
Hugs from Portugal,
Ana Love Craft
The baby blanket is simply beautiful! Would love the tutorial for this!!
YES!!!! PLEASE!!!! I would love a tutorial for this!!!! I absolutely adore your pattern.
Could you place the tutorial? It is lovely!
Love your combination of solid squares with the colorful ones. Of course, a pattern would be much appreciated.
I would LOVE to see a pattern and a tutorial! Many thanks for all you do!
This is beautiful! Well done! I'd love for you to do a pattern tutorial for this please!
Hi, I love your blog, is beauty, I love the colors, I love your crochet, visit my blog too,hugs from Brazil.
Beautiful!! Yes, please, I would love to be able to make one. Tutorial!! ~Angela~
Love the colors you used, it looks zo soft, sweet and elegant! I would really like to try to make a blanket with your pattern, so if that comes available I would really give it a try!
Greetings from the Netherlands!
What a beautiful blanket! I would really like to make one myself with your tutorial, that would be great! Thanks a lot, kind regards, Nadine.
Your blog and your crocheting are gorgeous, has so much fun looking back a few months. Would love if if you'd join my weekly international linky party, hope to see you there!
Absolutely gorgeous. I would LOVE to see the pattern. Thanks.
Beautiful! I would love a to see a tutorial/pattern for the flower and the edging.
Hi! This is Rosario writing.Your job is awesome. I stay here following you. I hope I will learn how to crochet someday.
A bit kiss from Spain.
thank you for sharing your beautiful work, and thank you for this wonderful tutorial xxx
Just found your adorable blog I love your blanket x
Thank you for making the pattern available – stunning pattern and tutorial! xxx
I love the baby afgan, but do well with tutorials, prefer written instructions, can it be found anywhere
I just made my first square. I just love it. Thank you for the clear instruction and the beautiful pattern. I would love to finish my blanket like yours, so would much appreciate more detail.
Can you please share a link to doing the border or share how you did it please? Thanks so much
Absolutely! Already started the squares but would love to have direction on your border. Beautiful blanket.
This is so beautiful! I would love to see a tutorial on this pattern. I have 7 grand-daughters and this would be a wonderful pattern to make for them.
Such a beautiful blanket. A tutorial would be wonderful!
The flower square is gorgeous and I love the edging !! My little 5yr old granddaughter has me making her a blanket right now – and I regularly get Skyped from the UK [She is in Scotland and I live in Portugal] with 'requests' … like … " I think I'd like a rabbit, a cat, a dog … and a flower, please nanny … " It's getting quite big with all these suggestions !! lol!! I am almost at the stage of joining up though .. and have been wondering too about a border – your's looks good … and I think it will go well with my blanket too … we'll have to see though !! Thank you for sharing !
It's a beautiful blanket! I'd love to crochet one myself. How much yarn did you use? And what needle size?
Thank you for your tutorial!
I love your blanket. I just finished making my 3rd square following your tutorial. It was very easy to follow. Thank you!
I love your blog and all the beutiful thing you made. I would like a tutorial pls.
I wood love tutorial good u please sure I love this my e mail if need is thank u loved linking at it stuff Corrine Kelly
I wood love tutorial good u please sure I love this my e mail if need is thank u loved linking at it stuff Corrine Kelly
I wood like a tutorial please it a is lovely blanket Corrine Kelly
I would love an opportunity to purchase a pattern for this lovely blanket.
I would love a tutorial for this!
This is absolutely beautiful!
I cant crochet or knit. Are you willing to sell a completed one? It is so beutiful.
Wow, congratulations, the blanket is gorgeous! This is absolutely beautiful!
Thank you so much for the reciepe for this wonderful blanket.
The tutorial was perfect, even for me from Norway
Thanks again!!
Hi Dragana, amazing blanket! how did you join squares? You've said single crochet, but how did you get this 3D effect? Could you please explain me?
thanx so much!
Amazingly sweet design!! Congrats! Please share the tutorial! Please! Please!!
1Perfectly knitted flowers… Didn't see any perfection! Lovely!
Its amazing! Oh please do share your tutorials! I can't wait to make such amzaing and beautiful blanket!
You make lovely things! Is there any chance of getting a patern/tutorial for the border of this blanket?
I absolutely love the blanket and pillow. Please make a tutorial!!!! And is there a site for tbe yarn?
Just adore this baby blanket pattern! I love the pastel colors in cotton yarn and how you put them together.
I also like the way you joined them and the border too. I wish you'd make a tutorial showing how you joined them and made the border, it is so appealing and you have such a gift for designing things. Thank you so much!!!!
Absolutely wonderful work!!! Could you please give a tutorial on the blanket border ASAP.. My baby arrives in one month and I'm very keen to finish it before the arrival! Thank you so much!!
This blanket is beautiful I would so love a tutorial.
How much yarn did you use for your blanket please? I am finally going to make it!
I am so in love with this blanket!! I made a similar one 9 years ago and had lost the pattern, I have searched all over and your beautiful blanket is the closest match I have found!!! I am so happy, can I please ask how many colored of each square and how many solids and I would love the pattern to your edging, I will even pay you if you want to write it up as a blanket pattern (that's how desperate I am to make this beautiful blanket). Thank you so much for your beautiful work.
Hi There….I saw this and would really like to try it….found your instructions and am ready to buy the yarn, but found out the St. George "Golf" yarn has been discontinued. Can you recommend another appropriate brand/kind of yarn that I could use? Thank you!
Thank you so very much for sharing your beautiful pattern. I'm almost finished all of my squares for a single bed size afghan. Do you have a tutorial or pattern for your gorgeous edging? I'd love to border mine the very same way. Thank you!
Hello! I love this pattern and have purchased yarn to make one as well, but I don't know if I've gotten enough! Could you tell me how many skeins you used for the blanket? Thank you!
Some people request the tutorial, while some are thankful for it.
I want the tutorial as well, but I can’t see it. ?
Somebody help me…
Dear Carrie,
The tutorial for the Primavera granny squares you can find here:
Hope you will like it! ?
xo Dragana
Thank you so much.
Have a lovely day, every day.
This is lovely. What brand of cotton yarn did you use? I would love to make this for my mother-in-law. I would appreciate pattern and/ or tutorial.
Thank you! I used 100% cotton yarn “Golf” 125m/50 gr from St. George. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I didn’t write down the pattern for the whole blanket, only for the Primavera granny square.
Thank you, Rina! ?
Please supply directions it positively beautiful.
Pattern please
The free pattern for the Primavera flower square is available here:
Thank you so much for the pattern. You are so talented.
How do you do achieve the border on that. Have to say the blanket is beautiful. I have made the squares would love a tutorial on the border
This is truly beautiful and I would love a tutorial for this please thanking you in advance ?
Thank you Michel! ? The primavera flowers square tutorial you can find here:, and the joining and the border tutorial here:
Hope you will like them! ?
I not seeing the total yardage for each color, Especially then cream for border. Fairly new to crocheting so I don’t want to mess up how much to buy.
This is beautiful
Thanks Cindy!
Such a beautiful blanket! I couldn’t find how much yarn is needed. Could you tell me?
Thank you sandy! I’m glad you like it! Unfortunately, I don’t know how much yarn I spent.
Hi. I purchased this pattern several years ago but it did not have a pattern for the border so I made my own. Is your pattern now updated with this border? It is beautiful.
I never sold the pattern. The pattern was always free on my blog, and in the meantime I added the tutorial for the joining and the border as well. You can find it here:
Such detailed and accurate instruction with illustration..
Makes it soo very easy to follow..
Bless you dear ??
This is such a beautiful blanket and I am going to attempt to make it for a new addition to our family.
Please can you give me an indication as to how many balls of the cream colour was used??
Thank you for your beautiful patterns
Thank you Carolyn for your kind words! I’m glad you like it! Unfortunately, I don’t know how much yarn I used, so I can’t tell you.
Do you have a printable pdf for this pattern please?
Unfortunately, I don’t.
I love this blanket
Thank you sooooo much
I just finished the ending but have problems with the last two rows and bubbles
Can you please explain me how you made the bubbles and the row before them
I just love it how you made it
My granddaughter will be born in March
I didn’t crochet since I’m 12 and it was like swimming
Thank you so much
Hi Dubravka,
The tutorial for the joining and the border you can find here:
Lovely blanket!!!!! How many grams do I have to buy for each color? Thanks a million!
Thanks! Sorry, but I did not take the evidence of how much yarn I used.
I made this for my niece’s baby. this is the most beautiful blanket and making it was such a joy, I loved the colors and the way it all went together and i was so proud to give her such a gift. This was truly the best i have ever made I think if it often. I love this pattern and look forward to making more of your patterns. you do such beautiful work. Thank you so much for allowing it to be free. I speak of your site anytime anyone wants to know how I made it.
Thank you so much Christina for your wonderful comment! You’ve made my day!
I absolutely love this pattern! I am relatively new to crocheting, do you have any tips on how to increase the size of this pattern?
The simplest way to increase the size of the square is to repeat the last round as many time as you’d like.