I finally finished my first granny square pillow, and I’m very happy with how it turned out. I previously posted the video tutorial for these beautiful flower granny squares.
I joined them with single crochet, which I learned while watching this great video tutorial, also by Clare. You can visit her website here.
I eventually added this sweet and simple border. It’s so easy to learn and make, especially by watching this tutorial.
I absolutely LOVE this, Dragana! What lovely work and the colours are just perfect together! Well done to you!
Would you mind if I shared this post on Facebook? I would love to show others your gorgeous work.
Thank you Serena, so much! Of course, I'll share this on Facebook, I would be happy to share it with your friends! 🙂
Great, thanks….I'll post the link on my Timeline so they can see your post. 🙂
Great! Thanks for that! 🙂
Could you please post the link for the granny square pattern! Thank you!
Buenas hermoso tu trabajo, trato de buscar el video tutorial que decÃs y no lo encuentro ? PodrÃas volver a subirlo.
Eres una inspiración.
I don’t have any video tutorials, only pdf patterns.